Monday, January 16, 2012

Matthew Good - Pledge Of Allegiance

This is a commercial for my army and my navy
This is a rehearsal for all the empty promises I will be
And I won't let you down
done letting you down

This is a commercial for freedom while freedom is in hades
This is a rehearsal of incoherent double talk and maybes
And it won't let you down
done letting you down

It's okay to be their disappointment baby
It's okay to fly the flag
It's okay to be my disappointment baby
It's okay to fly the flag

This is a commercial for my army and my navy
This is a rehearsal for all the empty promises I will be
And I won't let you down
Done letting you down


"Continuous warfare is the key to social control. It keeps the public frightened and dependent.

And it keeps the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed.

Better to destroy them in a ritual slaughter (Wars).

For a truly prosperous society, educated and secure, cannot be ruled by the few.

Poverty, ignorance and fear are the three pillars of authoritarian control. Without war, they all disappear."

George Orwell's 1984

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